Old Pulteney 1990/2009 Cadenhead

Old Pulteney will always hold a special place in my whisky heart. It certainly wasn’t my first ever whisky, but their 17yo was the one that really showed me how good single malt can be. I picked up a bottle at the airport on my way back from London, and never looked back.

I’ve visited the distillery once, not realizing it was their silent season, meaning they were doing maintenance work and there were no tours available. I should’ve checked.  But next month I’ll finally be returning to Old Pulteney when I’m going to Scotland for a couple of days. It doesn’t matter if their tour is any good, it will be a highlight for me no matter what.

Single cask releases of Old Pulteney are a rarity. As far as I could check, last year there were approximately eight. Cadenhead are one of the only independent bottlers who have consistently released single cask OP’s over the years. Almost all of them are from 1990. Today I review one that has been bottled a couple of years back.

old pulteney 1990 2009 cadenhead

Old Pulteney 1990/2009 (57,2%, Cadenhead, 217 bts.)

Nose: Vanilla, banana and coconut. Very creamy and some waxy aromas. Almost velvety. There’s a great salty quality you’ll find in many Old Pulteney’s. It is nutty, cereals. A lovely warm, sweet porridge smell. Super balance and from nosing this you’d never this to be over 57 percent abv.
Taste: Sweet and creamy and smooth. No water needed here. Some more vanilla, lemon zest, a hint of coconut shavings and something that resembles the bitterness of a pink grapefruit.
Finish: Lemony, zesty and sweet. Very long.

Rating: 89

Yes, please! This bottling shows just how good bourbon-matured Old Pulteney can be. The whisky from this distillery is highly underestimated if you ask me.

Photo: Flickr/jhele


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