Invergordon 1972 2016 Whiskybroker C#13-03

Invergordon 1972/2015 Whiskybroker

This is a sister cask of the Invergordon I reviewed two days ago. All of these casks (five in total) originate from Whiskybroker actually. They bottled two themselves, while the other three were divided among several independent bottlers.

Invergordon 1972/2015 (49,9%, Whiskybroker, C#1300000003)

Nose: Needs a lot of time to open up. Lots of glue with some fresher notes of green apples as well. Plenty of coconut, as well as varnish and fresh wood shavings. Touch of cough syrup.
Taste: Sweet oranges and mandarines with hints of glue. Some grapefruit as well. Quite fruity this one. Some creamy oak and sweet vanilla. Crème brûlée.
Finish: Sweet fruits. Honey. Medium in length.

Rating: 87

Quite an interesting whisky. Needs a lot of time, but does reward your patience. Very balanced, although it does mis the wow-factor for me.

Photo: Whiskybase

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