Glen Ord distillery (flickr neil wilkie)

Glen Ord 25yo (Limited Release)

You won’t find a lot of Glen Ord in this part of the world (meaning Europe). Most of it is destined for the Asian market as part of Diageo’s Singleton-range, where it is called The Singleton of Glen Ord. This range was introduced 6 or 7 years ago. In the USA they have The Singleton of Glendullan and we Europeans will have to make do with The Singleton of Dufftown. The 25yo I review today is a limited release from 2004, before the ‘Singleton’ gimmick.

Glen_Ord_25_year (2004)

Glen Ord 25yo (58,3%, OB, 3600 bts.)

Nose: A faint rubber smell and a dusty quality. Also some sweetness that is hard to put into more descriptive words. But most notably aromas of hay, straw, grass and saw dust. It is very well-rounded, almost gentle. But not overly complex.
Taste: Sweet and dry  with hints of black pepper. Again some rubber and a light peat taste as well. Lots of spices on the palate. Cloves and cinnamon. Nice creamy mouthfeel.
Finish: Malt, cereals, pepper and lemon. Medium length.

Rating: 86

When I converted my notes from my little notebook to this blog post, I was actually tempted to give this Glen Ord a higher rating. But that would be a mistake, because I find this whisky to be a bit boring. Now this doesn’t mean that it is a bad whisky, but it is almost too balanced, if there is such a thing. There are no playful rough edges. It is a simply a good whisky that goes down very easy.

Photo’s: Flickr/Neil Wilkie and

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